Loan Bill Pay

Now, we'll discuss about Loan Bill Pay Process as it is also very crucial and important process to make Payment for Loan Bill. All you have to do is Select the bank from which you would like to make your Bank loans payments with Dropdown List. Provide your Loan details. After selecting your Bank, you have to provide your Loan Details Enter your 16-digit alphanumeric loan number twice. Enter the amount against Amount payable and click pay now. You will be redirected securely to the payment interface of your chosen bank. Thereafter doing above process, Now, it's time to Confirm Payment Enter your authentication details (Internet Banking user ID and password of your bank account / equivalent details) as requested and Select the amount you would like to pay Your chosen bank account will get debited instantaneously. After process completion, You'll Receive online confirmation in which You will receive a Transaction Reference Number on successful completion of transaction.